Internship Program

Internships are very important part of our education program, first and foremost. In setting up professional internships, not only will we be able to offer students a chance to work with industry professionals, but the students also will be able to take the theory they learn in the classroom and put it into practice here, in whichever activity they’re focused.

Craig Miller.

Join our Internship Program!

Send us your resume

Over the last year we received dozens of emails and unsolicited applications from University students that are looking for internship opportunities to finalize their degrees. That was the motivation to open up UARX's Internship Program.

During 2020 we hosted two interns, and this year we are ready for more! UARX Space welcomes interns all year long. Internships can be held in virtual, on-site, or hybrid mode.

UARX Space is aiming to have an interdisciplinary team, so we encourage everyone to apply, regardless of their background or major.

Please submit your CV and your motivation letter using the form below, and don't forget to state why interning at UARX Space is important for you and the area where you would like to intern with us.

If you love Space as much as we do, Join the UARX Team!

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